Thursday, May 3, 2012

Local Flavor: Uncle Harry's Frozen Custard

Wisconsin is known as the dairy state and for good reason. We have out-of-this-world cheese (I bet no other state in the country has as large a selection of premium cheeses in their stores than we do!) and I'm sure our milk is pretty good too (I'm not a milk drinker, so I can't speak with expertise on that one). But the other thing Wisconsin is known for is what we bring to the ice cream family: frozen custard. If you're at all familiar with Culver's and their frozen custard, you can thank my state for its contribution to your fast food ice cream choices. Milwaukee is supposed to be the frozen custard capital of the world.

If you're unfamiliar with what differentiates frozen custard from ice cream, it's pretty simple. It has a higher percentage of egg in it, so it's a thicker consistency. And really, that's it. It's simple but it has a different taste to it, and I think it takes its flavors differently because of the thickness. 

Because this is Wisconsin, of course we have plenty of frozen custard in our stores, too. I haven't tried very much of it yet because I think I prefer ice cream to it, but I stumbled upon Uncle Harry's not too long ago and gave it a shot because it's local. Very local, in fact. Their headquarters is in Waterford, Wisconsin, which is about a thirty minute drive or so from my house. In trying to pick out what flavor to try, I decided to go all out with my Wisconsin-ness (which, btw, I'm not actually very Wisconsin at all, not being native) and try my hand at Badger Tracks.

Oh my word.

Badger tracks contains chocolate chips, as well as swirls of raspberry jam in it. I've noted before not being a huge fan of sweet ice cream, but the fact that this is custard off set the sweetness of the raspberry. Did I mention there are also chunks of brownie in here, too? It's brilliant. The chocolate-raspberry combination with the vanilla custard works well.

Because this is thick stuff, you cannot possibly eat the entire carton in one sitting. This is the kind of ice cream you get to enjoy for a long time because there's so much to it. Even writing about this right now, my mouth is watering at the thought of the raspberry swirls. 

It's probably unfair to blog about something most of you will never get to try. But I'll probably make it worse by telling you that I just discovered Uncle Harry's serves custard in-store, too, and it looks like there is an array of flavor choices (Heath Bar is calling my name in a big way). Which means I'll be taking a field trip in the name of research some time in the near future. Looks like you can purchase this at Woodman's (a local Wisconsin-Illinois grocer) and I know you can get it at Piggly Wiggly (where I get it). For a little over $3 for a carton that will last you for a few servings, this stuff is worth it.

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